Well, if you are a dog owner you probably know that these adorable furry creatures sometimes do some things that we do not really understand and that is why we love them! The truth is that dogs are not as mysterious as cats and they share with us even the strangest side of their behavior, and sometimes, it is quite difficult for us to understand their body language and social cues. So, it is important to understand them and correct them if necessary.
We all love our pets more than anything and we’d literally do everything for them! They need us, our love, affection and understanding, so we should try our best to make them feel happy and comfortable.
Here are some reasons behind your dog’s weird behaviors and we hope that you will understand their behavior better once you notice these things & be sure to be serious about behavior n1.
10- What do puppy eyes mean?
If you’ve been on the receiving end of hard-to-resist puppy eyes, you’ll know how hard it is to keep your calm. It’s like your puppy knows exactly how to get what he or she wants, whether it’s more food or forgiveness for knocking over the trash can. According to research, dogs are more likely to switch to this expression if they know humans are watching. The jury’s still out regarding whether dogs use puppy eyes specifically manipulate us, but we’re pretty sure our sneaky pups know all the tricks when it comes to getting your dinner leftovers.
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For additional information, you can look up your favorite breed over here:
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